Here we plan to make available factsheets and other educational resources developed by All Our Lives. Our first three educational resources are:
- Family Planning Freedom is Prolife: a PowerPoint presentation outlining the ways in which the freedom to choose whether and how to prevent conception can save and improve the lives of women and their children. En español: La planificación familiar libre es pro-vida.
- Emergency Contraception: The Facts Every Pro-life Advocate Should Know: a factsheet countering claims that EC is abortifacient, and providing evidence that in fact it works to prevent fertilization.
- Family Planning: Myth, Reality, and the Lifesaving Power of Choice: Highly informative handout, with references, that accompanied Mary Krane Derr’s talk at the November 2012 Call to Action Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. Call to Action is a large organization of progressive Catholics in the US, but the handout is useful for people of all faiths and none.
Future topics include barriers to family planning freedom, and the connections between domestic violence and abortion.